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Double-stranded RNA inhibits the growth and migration of malignant gliomas through the activation of the PKR/eIF2α pathway
Qun YAN, Sha-sha BIAN, Min-feng SHU
Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences, 2024, 51(03): 295-305.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-8467.2024.03.002

Fig 6 Zeocin inhibited the protein expression of methyltransferase of METTL14 A-B: Western blot assay detected METTL14 protein levels in D54 glioma cells treated with different concentrations of Zeocin, the dose-dependent downregulation effect of METTL14 was shown in the red box; C-D: Western blot assay detected METTL14 protein levels in U251 glioma cells treated with different concentrations of Zeocin, the dose-dependent downregulation effect of METTL14 was shown in the red box; E-F: Western blot detected the METTL14 protein expression at different time in D54 cells treated with the same concentrations of Zeocin; G-H: Western blot detected the METTL14 protein expression at different time in U251 cells treated with the same concentration of Zeocin; HSV-1 was positive control, and all P values were compared with 0 μg/mL group. n=3, (1)P < 0.000 1;ns: Not significant.
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