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Figure/Table detail

Characteristic Observation group(n=35) Control group(n=35) t/χ2 P
Age 31.50±5.98 33.11±3.69 0.549 0.768
Educational attainment -8.493 1.345
  High school and below 0(0) 1(2.90)
  College 21(60.00) 19(54.29)
  Bachelor’s degree and above 14(40.00) 15(42.86)
Marital status 0.592 0.963
  Married 29(82.86) 27(77.14)
  Unmarried 6(17.14) 8(22.86)
  Divorce 0(0) 0(0)
  Widowed 0(0) 0(0)
Occupation 4.873 0.673
  Administration 6(17.14) 4(11.43)
  Expertise 8(22.86) 10(28.57)
  Education 4(11.43) 2(5.71)
  Business services 1(2.86) 6(17.14)
  Worker 0(0) 1(2.86)
  Individual 7(20.00) 5(14.29)
  Other 9(25.71) 7(20.00)
Fertility needs 0.961 0.573
  Yes 24(68.57) 22(62.86)
  No 11(31.43) 13(37.12)
Tab 1 Comparison of basic information between the two groups [$\bar x \pm s$ or n(%)]
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