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Introduction and application of transfer learning in medical research
Lu-lu PAN, Yong-fu YU, Guo-you QIN
Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences, 2024, 51(06): 1016-1020.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-8467.2024.06.020

Race Target data Transfer with sources
Short sleep duration Long sleep duration Short sleep duration Long sleep duration
Mexican American 0.95(0.49) 0.86(0.51) 0.55(0.32) 0.27(0.45)
Other Hispanic 0.47(0.43) -0.71(0.60) 0.66(0.24) -0.12(0.43)
Non-Hispanic white 0.44(0.23) 0.17(0.23) 0.50(0.16) 0.03(0.19)
Non-Hispanic black 0.53(0.31) -0.22(0.34) 0.54(0.16) -0.08(0.25)
Other races 0.83(0.66) 0.82(0.67) 0.57(0.40) 0.12(0.54)
Tab 2 Regression coefficients (standard errors) for the association between sleep and major depressive disorder across five races in NHANES
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