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Clinical application of a novel hysteroscopic LNG-IUS fixation at the fundus of uterus
Li-mei CHEN, Long SUI, Hong-wei ZHANG
Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences, 2024, 51(06): 997-1001.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-8467.2024.06.017

Fig 1 Schematic diagram of hysteroscopic fixation of LNG-IUS at the fundus of uterus A: Micrograsper bought LNG-IUS into the uterine cavity; B: Microscissors cut a wound of about 2 mm in the center of the uterine fundus and a gap about 8-10 mm in deepth was poked; C: The microscissors gripped the nodule of LNG-IUS and poked it into the newly formed gap at the uterine fundus, with the node of LNG-IUS fixed at the uterine fundus.
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