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Effects of conventional respiratory training combined with articulatory visual feedback training on respiratory function in stroke patients
Ho-chieh KUO, Ming-fang SHI, Guang-hua LIU, Yuan-yuan LIU, Bang-zhong LIU
Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences, 2024, 51(06): 990-996.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-8467.2024.06.016

Variables Experimental group(n=15) Control group(n=15) P 95% CI
T0 T1 P T0 T1 P
MIP(cmH2O) 33.28±11.92 63.46±16.96 < 0.001(1) 37.03±15.84 46.04±13.58 < 0.004(1) 0.004(2) -28.91,-5.93
PIF(L/min) 109.21±43.81 190.20±75.01 < 0.001(1) 121.81±59.42 144.00±43.81 0.031(1) 0.049(2) -1.54,0
MPT(s) 8.92(6.49) 11.93(8.76) 0.035(1) 7.44(8.48) 8.90(5.66) < 0.001(1) 0.152 NA
MCA(s) 7.59±4.14 10.30±4.89 < 0.001(1) 5.53±3.31 7.06±3.25 0.009(1) 0.041(2) -6.34,-0.13
VC(L) 1.85±0.61 2.27±0.51 < 0.005(1) 1.91±0.66 2.08±0.67 0.732 0.394 -0.63,0.25
FVC(L) 1.57±0.67 2.26±0.57 < 0.001(1) 1.53±0.67 1.74±0.76 0.193 0.042(2) -1.03,-0.03
FEV1(L) 1.08±0.35 1.60±0.50 < 0.001(1) 0.86±0.37 1.10±0.40 0.071 0.004(2) -0.85,-0.18
PEF(L/min) 83.42(55.20) 171.12(94.80) < 0.001(1) 56.43(72.10) 83.40(55.80) < 0.001(1) 0.012(2) NA
MVV(L/min) 23.9(15.1) 32.4(15.7) < 0.001(1) 16.5(10.9) 23.9(15.1) 0.233 0.056 NA
DM-P(cm) 0.81(0.46) 1.24(0.33) < 0.001(1) 0.98(0.23) 1.12(0.39) 0.002(1) 0.345 NA
TF-P(%) 21(24) 35(18.68) < 0.001(1) 23.81(10) 33(12.14) 0.004(1) 0.539 NA
DM-NP(cm) 1.04(0.38) 1.17(0.40) < 0.001(1) 1.09(0.36) 1.2(0.45) < 0.001(1) 0.806 NA
TF-NP(%) 29.79±12.82 39.10±9.68 < 0.001(1) 29.59±12.02 37.95±13.89 0.011(1) 0.795 -10.10,7.81
Tab 2 Comparison of respiratory and diaphragmatic function before and after intervention in two groups stroke patients [$\bar x \pm s$, n(%) or M(P25, P75)]
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