2. 复旦大学附属妇产科医院病理科 上海 200011;
3. 复旦大学附属妇产科医院信息科 上海 200011
2. Department of Pathology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200011, China;
3. Department of Information Section, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200011, China
2009年Mikami等[1]报道了一组病例,这些病例的特点为在女性生殖道(宫颈、子宫、输卵管、卵巢)多部位(2个及以上)同时出现胃型多灶性黏液性病变,并称之为女性生殖道同期发生的黏液性上皮化生和肿瘤(synchronous mucinous metaplasia and neoplasia of the female genital tract,SMMN-FGT)。目前全世界仅报道了34例[1-18]。SMMN-FGT表现出一系列形态学改变,包含良性、恶性和非肿瘤性特征。由于该疾病十分罕见,容易漏诊误诊,无标准的治疗方案,预后也不明确,因此没有相关的临床指南。本文通过回顾性分析诊断的14例SMMN-FGT患者临床资料,探讨其临床特点、病理特征、诊治方法及预后情况,以期指导临床医师对该疾病的认识,并探索相应的诊疗措施。
资料和方法临床资料 收集2014年10月—2020年4月复旦大学附属妇产科医院诊治的14例SMMN-FGT患者临床资料,包括年龄、临床表现、诊治经过、术后病理及随访情况,并进行回顾性分析。临床资料均由医院电子病历资料库取得,所有患者均签署《关于收集及使用组织样本开展科学研究的知情同意书》。随访资料由门诊病历和电话随访获得。
标本处理 14例患者手术标本均以4%甲醛溶液固定,石蜡包埋,分别进行HE染色和免疫组织化学染色。免疫组织化学应用辣根过氧化物酶抗过氧化物酶复合物(PAP)法染色。检测指标包括:MUC6、P53、Ki-67、p16等,抗体均设立阴性和阳性对照。所有病理经我院病理科2名高年资医师读片共同确认。
SMMN-FGT诊疗标准[1] SMMN-FGT需病理确诊,同时满足以下3个条件:1)同时发生; 2)≥2个部位(宫颈、子宫内膜、肌层、输卵管、卵巢或腹膜等女性生殖器官); 3)黏液性病变,具有胃型分化的特点。目前暂无排除标准。
结果临床资料 患者发病的中位年龄为46岁(33~70岁),均已生育,平均孕次3.0次(1~4次),平均产次1.4次(1~3次)。患者的首发症状为阴道排液8例,持续6~24个月不等,其中3例为诊断后追问病史发现。卵巢囊肿4例,阴道异常出血3例,妇科检查发现4例宫颈质硬,1例见黏液自宫颈管内溢出。2例患者有家族性黏膜皮肤黑色素斑胃肠道息肉综合征(Peutz-Jeghers syndrome,P-J综合征),4例患者曾因卵巢囊肿行手术治疗,术后病理均提示卵巢浆液性囊腺瘤。14例患者均常规行宫颈细胞学检查,其中3例结果异常。13例患者行HPV检查均阴性,另一例患者因拒绝行HPV检测结果未知。7例患者术前进行宫腔诊断性刮宫,3例患者进行宫颈活检,结果详见表 1。12例患者术前行肿瘤指标检查,包含CA125、CA199、CEA、HE4、AFP、SCCA等,其中4例提示CA199升高,1例提示CA125升高。所有患者术前均行经阴道彩色多普勒超声检查评估(表 1)。
Case No. |
Age (y) | Primary symptom(s) | Time(mo) | TCT | HPV | Pre-operative biopsy | Preoperative pathology | History | Ultrasound | PE | Tumor biomarkers |
1 | 56 | AVD | 8 | NILM | (-) | D & C | Mullerian duct mixed tumor,adenosarcoma to be excluded | (-) | (-) | (-) | CA199=94.64 |
2 | 37 | AVD | 24 | NILM | (-) | Cervical Biopsy | Phyllodes hyperplasia | (-) | Cystic mass on the anterior cervix | Hard on Palpation | (-) |
3 | 41 | AVD/OC | 12/2 | NILM | (-) | / | / | (-) | BOC | Hard on Palpation | CA199=196.2 |
4 | 70 | AVD | 12 | NILM | (-) | D & C | Mucinous cancer with inflammatory necrosis | Cesarean Section +Appendectomy | Uneven endometrium with hydrohystera | (-) | CA199=171.1 |
5 | 36 | TCT(+) | 0.33 | AGC | (-) | Cervical Biopsy | Invasive adenocarcinoma on LEEP | Bilateral ovarian cystectomy(OMC) | Uneven density of cervix | Hard on Palpation | (-) |
6 | 49 | OC | 2 | NILM | (-) | / | / | Left ovarian cystectomy (OMC)+Right adnexal resection (OMC) | Uneven endometrium,multi-cystic mass anterior to the uterus | (-) | (-) |
7 | 54 | AVD | 24 | NILM | (-) | D & C | EEC | (-) | Cystic-solid mass in the cavity | (-) | CA199=121.47 |
8 | 33 | AVB | 2 | NILM | (-) | D & C | GAS | P-J Syndrome +Cesarean Section +Intussusception release surgery | (-) | (-) | / |
9 | 46 | OC | 2 | NILM | (-) | / | / | Left adnexal resection (OMC) | ROC | (-) | (-) |
10 | 46 | AVD | 24 | AGC | (-) | D & C | Infiltrating dilatation of mucinous glands | Cholecystectomy +Cesarean Section | / | (-) | (-) |
11 | 39 | AVD | 6 | NILM | (-) | D & C | GAS | Removal of nasal polyps/Cesarean Section | Cystic-solid mass in the cavity near CS scar | Watery mucus spills out of the cervical canal | (-) |
12 | 51 | OC | 2 | NILM | / | / | / | Left adnexal resection (OMC)+Cholecystectomy | Multi-cystic at right ovary | (-) | (-) |
13 | 37 | AVB | 3 | NILM | (-) | D & C | GAS | Intestinal polyps +P-J Syndrome | (-) | (-) | / |
14 | 52 | AVD/AVB | 12/1 | AGC | (-) | Cervical Biopsy | Adenocarcinoma,origin uncertain | (-) | Cystic-solid mass on cervix | Hard on Palpation | CA125=154.20 |
TCT:Thinprep cytology test; PE:Physical examination; AVD:Abnormal vaginal drainage; NILM:Non-intrusive load monitoring; (-):Negative; D & C:Dilation and curettage; OC:Ovarian cyst; /:Untested; BOC:Bilateral ovarian cysts; AGC:Atypical glandular cell; LEEP:Loop electrosurgical excision procedure; OMC:Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma; EEC:Endometrioid endometrial carcinoma; AVB:Abnormal vaginal bleeding; GAS:Gastric-type mucinous carcinoma; P-J syndrome:Peutz-Jeghers syndrome; ROC:Right ovarian cyst; CS:Cesarean section. |
诊治经过 患者均接受手术治疗,2例因术中提示侵犯宫颈可能行广泛全子宫+双附件切除术+盆腔淋巴结清扫术,其中病例7因术中冰冻提示内膜癌侵犯宫颈行腹主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术; 2例因术前提示宫颈腺癌,术中直接行广泛全子宫+双附件+盆腔淋巴结清扫术; 3例因患者年轻未绝经,术中冰冻提示良性行全子宫+双侧输卵管切除术,保留双侧卵巢; 1例患者术中冰冻提示转移性肿瘤可能,故单纯行全子宫+双附件切除术。12例为腹腔镜手术,1例为经阴道手术,1例为开腹手术。术后均行病理学检查,明确诊断为SMMT-FGT,8例提示恶性病变,均接受紫杉醇+铂类(TP)方案化疗1~6个疗程不等,4例因宫颈恶性病变同时接受放疗(表 2)。
Case No. | Preoperative diagnosis | Route | Surgery | FSP | Postoperative diagnosis | Postoperative management | Follow-up (mo) | Recurrence or progression | Prognosis |
1 | EC | PV | TAH+BSO | OMC | B | OB | 80 | N | AWOD |
2 | LEGH | LAP | TAH+BSO | (Cervix and endometrium) LEGH+OMC | M | TP*4 | 75 | N | AWOD |
3 | OC | LAP | TAH+BSO | (Ovarian)MT | M | TP*3+RT | 64 | N | AWOD |
4 | EC | LAP | TAH+BSO+EPH+BPLND | (Cervix; endometrium; myometrium) CA |
M | TP*1+RT | 63 | N | AWOD |
5 | CA | LAP | RH+RSO+BPLND+OMT+AE | / | M | TP*6 | 60 | N | AWOD |
6 | OC | LAP | TAH+LSO | SMMN-FGT | M | TP*3 | 52 | N | AWOD |
7 | EC | LAP | TAH+BSO+EPH+BPLND+PALND | (Uterine; cervical canal)EC | M | TP*4+RT | 36 | Y | DOD |
8 | GEMA | OA | TAH+BS | (-) | B | OB | 43 | N (ovaries preserved with no sign of disease) | AWOD |
9 | OC | LAP | TAH+RSO | OMC | B | OB | 42 | N | AWOD |
10 | IEEG | LAP | TAH+BSO | (-) | M | OB | 36 | N | AWOD |
11 | GEMA | LAP | TAH+BS+BBO | (-) | B | OB | 36 | N (ovaries preserved with no sign of disease) | AWOD |
12 | OC | LAP | TAH+RSO | OMC | B | OB | 33 | N | AWOD |
13 | GEMA | LAP | TAH+BS | (Cervical canal; endometrium)LEGH | B | OB | 29 | N (ovaries preserved with no sign of disease) | AWOD |
14 | CA | LAP | RH+BSO+BPLND | Bilateral common iliac LN (-) | M | TP*4+RT | 14 | N | AWOD |
FSP:Frozen section pathology; EC:Endometrial cancer; PV:Pre-vaginal surgery; TAH:Total abdominal hysterectomy; BSO:Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; OMC:Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma; B:Benign diseases; OB:Observe; N:No; AWOD:Alive without disease; LEGH:Lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia; LAP:Laparoscopy surgery; M:Malignant diseases; TP:Paclitaxel plus Cisplatin chemotherapy; OC:Ovarian cysts; MT:Metastatic tumors; RT:Radiotherapy; EPH:Extensive parametrial hysterectomy; BPLND:Bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection; CA:Cervical adenocarcinoma; /:Untested; RH:Radical hysterectomy; RSO:Right salpingo-oophorectomy; OMT:omentectomy; AE:Appendectomy; LSO:Left salpingo-oophorectomy; PALND:Para-aortic lymph node dissection; Y:Yes; DOD:Dead of disease; GEMA:Gastric-type endometrial mucinous adenocarcinoma; (-):Negative; OA:Open abdomen; BS:Bilateral salpingectomy; IEEG:Infiltrative expansion of endothelial glands; BBO:Biopsy of both ovaries; LN:Lymph nodes. |
病理检查结果 所有患者均行术中快速冰冻病理检查,其中仅1例术中冰冻提示SMMN-FGT。大体观发现病灶切面可见多个大小不等的囊腔,内含黏液,部分呈蜂窝状结构,卵巢呈多房样改变。图 1显示了病例2的宫颈、内膜、输卵管及卵巢的镜下表现。本组病例的病灶MUC6均呈弥漫着色或局灶状阳性; P53呈散在阳性或局灶阳性; P16染色9例为阴性,2例为部分或斑驳阳性,3例为阳性; Ki-67阳性指数依据不同的病理类型而不同。
![]() |
A: Lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia of cervix (5×); B: Gastric-type adenocarcinoma of cervix (10×); C: Atypical lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia of cervix(5×); D: Lobar hyperplasia of the endometrium (5×); E: Glands metaplasia of the fallopian tube (5×); F: Mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary (5×). 图 1 病例2的女性生殖道多部位黏液化生病灶HE染色 Fig 1 Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining of SMMN-FGT in case No. 2 |
本组病例中,13例有宫颈病变,其中微偏腺癌5例,胃型黏液腺癌4例,胃型浸润性低分化腺癌1例。微偏腺癌在2003版《WHO乳腺癌和女性生殖系统肿瘤病理学和遗传学分类标准》中是宫颈腺癌的1个亚型,而在2014版《WHO女性生殖器官肿瘤学分类》中属于胃型腺癌的一个高分化类型。本文涉及的胃型腺癌不包括微偏腺癌,两者单独列出[14]。所有病例均有内膜病变,9例有输卵管病变,9例有卵巢病变。3例患者因年轻术中予保留卵巢(表 3)。
Case No. | FSP | Postoperative pathology | Immunohistochemistry | ||||||||||
Cervix | Uterus | Fallopian tube | Ovarian | Vaginal wall/ Parametrium | LVSI | LN | MUC6 | P53 | Ki-67 | P16 | |||
1 | OMC | Cervicitis | (Endometrium)ALEGH | (Right) MCM | (Left)MCM | / | / | / | (+) | (+) | 5% (+) | (+) | |
2 | (Cervix and endometrium) LEGH+OMC | ALEGH with GAS in situ | (Extensive superficial Endometrium) MCM | (Left) GAM |
(Bilateral) OMC |
/ | (-) | / | / | (+) | 10% (+) | (+) | |
3 | (Ovarian)MT | (Whole cervical layer)GAS | (Deep Endometrium) GAS | (-) | (Bilateral) OMC |
/ | (-) | / | / | / | / | (-) | |
4 | (Cervix; endometrium; myometrium) CA |
(Whole cervical layer and nerves)GAS and MDA | (Deep Endometrium) GAS | (Right) Diffuse MCM | (-) | / | (-) | (-) | (+) | (+) | 5% (+) | (-) | |
5 | / | MDA | (lower uterine segment) MDA | (Right) Mucinous carcinoma | (Right)mucinous carcinoma | Vaginal wall (+); Parametrium (+) | (-) | (+) | (+) | (+) | 2% (+) | (-) | |
6 | SMMN-FGT | ALEGH,GAS | (Endometrium)GAS | (Left) GAS | (left) bord-line OMC | / | (-) | / | (+) | (+) | 5% (+) | (-) | |
7 | (Uterine; cervical canal)EC | (Whole cervical layer and nerves)GAS | (Deep Endometrium) GAS | (Right)Gastric-type MCM | (Right)Brenner tumor | (-) | (+) | Pelvic LN (+); para-aortic LN (-) | (+) | (+) | 40% (+) | (-) | |
8 | (-) | LEGH | (Endometrium)Multifocal gastric-type MCM | (Bilateral)Multifocal gastric-type MCM | Reserved,not checked | / | / | / | (+) | - | 5% (+) | (+) | |
9 | OMC | ALEGH | (Endometrium)ALEGH | (-) | (Right)OMC | / | / | / | (+) | (+) | 10% (+) | (-) | |
10 | (-) | MDA | (Endometrium; Myometrium) MDA | (-) | (Left) bord-line OMC | / | / | / | (+) | (+) | 5% (+) | (-) | |
11 | (-) | LEGH | (lower uterine segment) LEGH; (Endometrium) gastric-type MCM | (-) | Reserved,not checked | / | / | / | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | |
12 | OMC | LEGH,ALEGH | (Endometrium)LEGH | (Right)LEGH | (Right) OMC | / | / | / | (+) | (+) | 2% (+) | (-) | |
13 | (Cervical canal; endometrium)LEGH | LEGH | (Endometrium)LEGH | (-) | Reserved,not checked | / | / | / | (+) | (+) | < 5% (+) | (-) | |
14 | Bilateral common iliac LN (-) | (Whole cervical layer and nerves)GAS | (lower uterine segment) GAS; (endometrium) MCM | (Left)MCM | (-) | Vaginal wall (+); Parametrium (-) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+++) | 40% (+) | (+) | |
FSP:Frozen section pathology; LVSI:Lymph-vascular space invasion; LN:Lymph nodes; OMC:Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma; ALEGH:Atypical lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia; MCM:Mucous cell metaplasia; (-):Negative; (+):Positive; LEGH:Lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia; GAS:Gastric-type mucinous carcinoma; GAM:Gastric adenomatous metaplasia; MT:Metastatic tumors; MDA:Minimal deviation adenocarcinoma; /:Untested; EC:Endometrial cancer. |
预后情况 生存时间自确诊之日算起,随访时间截止至2021年6月30日,随访时间为14~80个月。14例患者均完成随访,无失访。其中1例患者在术后36个月因复发死亡,保留卵巢的3例患者中1例术后29个月时体检发现卵巢囊肿暂未手术,余均未发现卵巢病变(表 2)。
讨论SMMN-FGT十分罕见,目前国内外研究多为个案报道,其发病率、发病原因、组织发生、临床表现、病理特征、治疗手段及预后均无定论。既往报道其发病年龄为33~71岁[1, 6, 14]。本文报道的最小年龄33岁,与文献报道一致。本文回顾14例患者后发现,8例患者主诉阴道排液,其中排液过多者甚至让患者误认为是“漏尿”; 3例恶性患者追问病史发现阴道排液症状已存在多时,因此对于阴道排液或有“漏尿”主诉的患者须警惕SMMN-FGT。卵巢囊肿及阴道异常出血也是SMMN-FGT的常见初始临床表现。
SMMN-FGT的确诊有赖于病理检查,目前的诊断标准为:在组织学形态上发现2个及以上多器官(宫颈、子宫内膜、输卵管、卵巢)同时发生米勒管源性上皮向黏液上皮方向分化,包含简单型胃型黏液化生、叶状增生、不典型叶状增生、微偏腺癌、胃型腺癌、输卵管黏液上皮化生、卵巢黏液性囊腺瘤、卵巢交界性或黏液性癌等一系列表现[1, 14, 18]。大体病灶切面可见多个大小不等的囊腔,内含黏液,部分呈蜂窝状结构。免疫组化提示MUC6高表达,Ki-67阳性指数与恶性程度有关[14],本组14例病例大体标本及免疫组化均与文献报道一致。SMMN-FGT与胃型黏液分化密切相关,文献认为叶状增生、不典型叶状增生是胃型腺癌的癌前病变[15]。本文报道的病例2和6其胃型黏液癌(gastric-type mucinous carcinoma,GAS)中合并叶状增生成分,并可见过渡形态。因此,我们推断SMMN-FGT是一组由良性病变随着时间推移逐渐向恶性发展的疾病,其早期诊断非常重要。
由于SMMN-FGT的临床表现和病理表现复杂多变,需要与其他有类似临床及病理表现的疾病相鉴别,包括:(1)普通型宫颈腺癌累及生殖道[19]; (2)单纯性胃型腺癌和或微偏腺癌[20]; (3)转移性肿瘤:消化道高分化黏液腺癌转移到卵巢和宫颈时[21]; (4)女性生殖系统多部位原发恶性肿瘤(multiple primary malignant carcinomas,MPMC):是指同一女性生殖系统器官中,同时或先后原发于同一器官不同部位,或2个甚至更多器官的恶性肿瘤[22]。MPMC与SMMN-FGT的区别在于,SMMN-FGT的病变同时发生,且均为黏液性病变并具有胃分化特性,而MPMC可先后发生病变,两种肿瘤病理类型可相同或不同。
作者贡献声明 陈默 数据分析,论文撰写和修订。李佳佳 患者随访和图表制作。陶祥 病理图片提供及解读。朱辰琪,董旭辉 数据采集。尧良清论文综合指导。李勤 论文构思和指导。
利益冲突声明 所有作者均声明不存在利益冲突。
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